I have always held the notion that others , be it friend or family , are here to help us when the burden gets too big.
Maybe mostly because they have been.
With the addition of the internet to our lives , that network of friends has grown to include dozens of " friends I have yet to meet. "
I am not sure if it is because we realize that there are a good number of nutty &%$#@*&'s out there who are just like us ?
Or backs up my " dynamics of a crowd " theory.........where if you assemble 100 people in a room , you will have a broad representation of virtually everything humanity has to offer in that group.
And many of them will be solid as Gibraltar......the kind of group we either are proud to be a part of or strive to become.
There is going to be some real blue plate specials in there too....roughly a dozen based on my non scientific estimates.
But not too many of them on here.

Thoughts and prayers to both Ashley and yourself.
Be strong and carry what you can.