


Good luck to ya! I have asked a lot of questions too. What touched me the most in this forum was a year ago this past June when I had a cerebral hemorrhage. Lots of racers and friends pulling for me. All of the well wishes and good vibes go a long ways! I do hope I get cleared to drive in 2015. If there is anything you need we are here for you. Ted

I'm glad to hear that it has went the right direction and you will get back in that seat. That's very much worth keeping positive over!

My wife was diagnosed with a brain tumor. On top of that she has had a micro bleeder in or around her brain. They can't find it. It doesn't bleed very often. But it still does all the same. We have had 4 MRI's and not once did it catch the brain bleed. She has some very bad migraines quite often. Almost every other day. She has been put on some meds that seem to subside them. But its just a band-aide to me. So many things going on at once. I think they are more concerned about the bleeder than the tumor right now. I don't know if that's good or bad. I know I'm a mess. I'm doing everything I can to stay strong for her.

Thank you very much for the well wishes! I hope to be hearing about your seat time experiences soon!

Another good friend of mine died a few weeks ago from brain cancer and it`s not good for anyone involved. Good luck to you guys and keep your chin up.

I'm so very sorry to hear about your friend.

I'm sure trying to keep my chin up. That's why I started this post to thank you guys. Being able to chat with all you great people on here helps me do that.


Cost is irrelevant, making memories is far more valuable!biggrin