
I wanted to give a huge thank you to everyone on this forum for putting up with my weird and off the wall questions. I'm sure I bring up questions on matters that have been asked many many many times before.

See a little while back my wife (who is the love of my life and my soul mate) was diagnosed with a life threatening health problem. We have been doing a lot of hospital visits to get things figured out. With all of this stuff going on to boot, I've come down with some health issues as well. I think mine is mainly due to all the stress. I hope. We are not that old. I'm 43 and my wife is just a few years younger. We have been married for 14 years, and we have two little girls.
So with that. I post questions that pop into my head or questions that other people ask me. I do this because it gets my mind off of things for a bit. Dealing with the car stuff de-stresses me for the most part.

I know this is a race car forum. Not a forum to vent your problems. But I am breaking protocol to say THANK YOU ALL, for all of your help with performance advice, and for the personal help you have inadvertently given me. It means more than I could ever say

Greg Knight

been through the same type deal with my wife a few years back so i know what you are talking about. good luck to both of you