
He IS the best driver
You can't make that many passes in that many years in that many cars and not be the best--
I got six passes in my new rail and have got better after each one--so go think how I wil be after 10,000 more if I can do like him and live to learn
No other funny car driver can touch his experience
He wins rounds no other driver could win at times
Yes--he wins because of best equip best $$ etc for sure but...
don't take away from him
I bet Garlits even admires the mans driving skills
I bet he wishes he could just DRIVE and not have to do all the other parts of his job--the fact that he manages it all and can even pay attention TO drive is a wonder--that is why I say he is on "Automatic" when in that car--he is that good to me / always will be

Very true.....that man can flat drive a funny car like no body's business...... When I think of a pure driver in Funny Car....hands down it is John Force!

"Fat drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son......"
