

I didn't see them posted here... Dodges must not have done well. Guess I can go to NHRA to find out!

I was posting Pro Stock qualifying results almost every week and TV and ESPN3 coverage but there seems to be a lack of interest in it anymore on this site so I backed off. Between you and I think the new cars they are racing now or the lack of Jim Yates on the team they are struggling to put the power to the track.

I think were Jim helped the most was with consistency. It seems like Mark is always trying to hit home runs which is great when he's right but when he's wrong, the car never recovers. Almost every recent loss that Allen has had, has been due to broken runs on a missed tune up. The car is just less forgiving than it used to be. I don't know what Jim's salary was, but I would look to hire him back next year. Hopefully Mark gets a handle on thing for the start of the countdown for both cars. The focus needs to be on consistency and equal performance on raceday.

Adriel Paradise
Substation Design Engineer III