
This statement is simply not true. I've been buidling Mopar engines for 27 years, and I have used a lot of different rockers. Within that period, I have used many many sets of roller bearing rockers, and on some pretty stout pieces, without failure.Internet folklore loves to scare people off with roller bearing rocker failures. 99.5% of the time, if one DOES fail, there is another reason that should have been addressed or corrected to begin with. But to make a general statement , they are failure prone, is misinformation.

Question, have you seen any improvement in power with a plain bearing rocker vs a roller bearing rocker on any Mopar engine?

Plain bearing, shaft mounted rockers are fairly low friction setups to begin with and wonder if there is really any documented proof going to a roller bearing in this application is a benefit in power production.

They say there are no such thing as a stupid question.
They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.