
Time to upgrade my carb...given the specs on my car...in sig...what would be a good performance carb over the 80508 Holley I have on it. Never changed anything on present carb...it runs well but figured I could get something more tunable for better idle and performance.


The 80508 is a 750 vac secondary w/ electric choke, right?
- Do you still want / need a carb w/ choke capability?
- Where does it idle now and what issue do you have with it?
- Have you tried different vac secondary springs out to see how they change how the carb performs?
- Have you switched to add-on secondary metering block to allow jetting changes?
- Are you just looking for it to be more "peppy" on the street, rather than trying to reduce your ETs at the track?

Depending upon your answers, you might want to contact AED in Richmond about converting it to 4-corner idle and re-tuning it based on their own carb work. If you're not looking to chop your ETs down, a better tune w/ that 80508 might be all you need.

BTW, glad you put the heads you bought from me to good use.

Last edited by BradH; 02/23/14 04:22 PM.