
The chemical processes are the same to add the detergents to the oil. I was using it as an example, airplanes use 1930's tractor technology because tractors were more advanced than automobiles during its infancy. If someone was to have a bad engine, it would either go to the scrap yard or be rebuild without ever being investigated. Its a proven fact that oils do get old and change chemically, but you will still have those who will claim that their oil is good and they will use it anyways.

It maybe a proven "fact" that oils change oil time, but no one has proven that here. Only consensus so far I see is additives, settle out, but again no one has proven whether its a chemical reaction to include the additives in the original oil, nor whether it's a chemical reaction that causes the non reversible settling of the additives. And if some one can find one single obscure offball proprietary no name additive that reacts, and decomposes, I likely would not consider that proof of the main premise.

And regrading the example of "SN" oil, it was an example, hence the use of the word "like", I have little knowledge of aircraft oil classifications, mil or otherwise, and was mentioning the classifications/specs also likely change over time, and the 15 years others mentioned, was enough time for the classifications to change, causing the oil to be obsolete, but not really old.

So teach me.

Reality check, that half the population is smarter then 50% of the people and it's a constantly contested fact.