We cant even come up with the first Hemi Car ever built so the first sold to the Public would be just as hard to figure out. I believe Chrysler released the first 1964 Hemi Cars to the race people. Not sure if these Public cars would of been built for Nascar or NHRA. So in Darrels books is there any clue to give you an answer to what you have asked about what car was the first public car.

Scott you mentioned the 1971 year and what car was the last Hemi Car built, and no one knows that either. Then I started wondering what Hemi Car would of been the last one sold to the public and if it was done in 1971 or 1972 and was there any Hemi Cars left over at Dealers that would of sold years later. Is a car that was owned by the Dealer and sat for 25 year in the Dealers name then sold is that the last Hemi Car sold.