
I am by no means a paint expert.. But this A12 Bee was done in single stage Glasurit. The finish is absolutely perfect, and this paint is legendary for it's toughness.

Super nice Bee! there Mike .....and yes Glasurit single stage is very popular with restorers looking for single stage paints,.......however a lot of formulas to mix "properly" have been "lost", or altered, and the original colors are no longer really represented, plus too many "kids" mixing paint nowadays,.....they can do it, but they know not, what they are doing,......when I did a FM3 car, Panther Pink/ Moulin Rouge was "tuff" to get right,.....I spent many a days in different paint shops, testing mixes, and sprayouts,......Dupont BC/CC chroma primere and Duponts Imron were the only formulas that had the right amount of "color/ light" shift present in them.....

When I paint a car, I like it to look original in color, but yet have some "effect" to the paint, otherwise it looks rather "dull".......

F6 was another one of those "tuff" colors to get "right",.....

Another side to paint/color match as well, is the prep, baseshade on the body,...plus "technique" and coverage in painting can alter the finish, or effect

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