

Nonsense. Any relay or solenoid can "click" (pull in) and have burned or dirty contacts and not activate the load

Nonsense The relay pulls in and the starter clicks, that eliminates that. And we agree on everything else, I just did it in fewer words.

Please don't send people on wild goose chases. He didn't say for sure that the starter solenoid was "clicking" (pulling in) therefore in a worst case this means that the click may ONLY be the firewall relay, and therefore the relay contacts could be bad, a completely viable problem.

Furthermore, if you knew that the solenoid was pulling in, it would do no good to jump the thing at the starter, because you've already "found" that the solenoid contacts or the starter motor itself is bad.

Here's the thing you need to understand about me. I refuse to condone throwing parts at a problem. I've seen guys after guys with one of these problems, so they run out and buy a battery or starter, and find that didn't fix it. So next we buy the other most expensive part, and finally, start really looking for the problem.

I do realize that intermittents are tough