
Nothing that can't be done with the older stuff if your willing to start over and use EFI in the process.

Better flowing heads
Higher Static Compression
Better Cam Profiles

All the same stuff that the imports have been doing for years Making 1.0-4.0L 4&6 bangers that fly and sip on gas doing it.

Those 5 are your primary factors. Several others as well but to a lesser extent.

Far as Racing them. Call Ray Barton and ask him. His brother is flying in Stock Class Racing.

There has been a whole lot learned about how to present the fuel air mix to the combustion chamber. Swirl, tumble, fuel droplet size, crevice volume reduction, quench, plug placement. Add to that better valvetrain, big reduction in friction (narrow rings, windage ) more accurate machining(ring seal, head flow) better intake tuning and better exhaust systems. To add to the list, more rpms and narrower rpm range(more gears)

8..603 156 mph best, 2905 lbs 549, indy 572-13, alky