
Now we're comparing header gains to an engine swap that uses current technology. I bet you dont find a modern hemi with computer,harness and all necessary pieces for the swap for anywhere near the cost of TTI headers.
For what it would cost to do all the swapping, I could build a nice engine that would perform better with headers.
Besides the O P asked about cheap headers, not TTI.
Headers are a proven provider of milage and performance gains. Feel free to not use them. Its a free world. A lot of guys dont like to improve their cars and think a carburetor designed for 70's fuels should run good today and points ignition worked fine 40 years ago.
Then there are people that dont believe in electricity either


Guess you missed the hacking a poster got for not running headers on his late Hemi swap in this thread. That's what happens when you don't read the entire thread before you comment.

They say there are no such thing as a stupid question.
They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.