I would NOT pull the launch chip out.. in my sig pic
thats a 5600rpm launch with no chip... if it werent
for the wheelie bars my car WOULD fill over... the pic
with 6" or so wheels up is a lesser launch rpm... in
the sig pic that is a 1.19 60' the lower wheelie is
a 1.22 60'... I control with spin with a 1/8 psi to
1/4 psi adjustment in the tire pressure(once you find
the happy pressure)... depending on the weight bias
and CG of the car you will/might end up with different
numbers for your launch rpm and tire pressure... once
you get a decent launch then you can fine tune the
shocks to the rpm...... but lower the front of the
bars so it pushes forward and not as much up... start
out with a SAFE launch before you bust up the car