
So for a mix of road conditions which do you like better 1" or 1.14"? Or maybe between like 1.06ers?

What type of mix?

And is it a daily driver back and forth to work everyday?

Do you live IN the center of a big metropolis massive traffic density? I'd imagine downtown Seattle would be the closest thing?

The multiple potholes are really specific area in the middle of Los Angeles in one of it's older sections of the city: West Los Angeles to Downtown LA. Densely populated area, massive traffic, lot of vehicles, and buses. The buses are what really beat things up in the right hand lanes.

It's not like I'm driving though a bunch of beat up street the second I leave my driveway with my 1.14" T-bars. It's not a big deal to every once in a while cruise through my old neighborhood near Hollywood, Beverly Hills, etc.

Now, when I had .99" T-bars and lived there, I did go through those beat up streets the second I left the driveway. Not a big issue. And I drove the car daily back and forth to work every day. Now I don't drive it like that.