
My point was that AC and Cruise were available on Chargers, but it seems that the 6-way seat was not available on the Dart, so it's a poor analogy.

Most of us understood you there and my comment about my 72 Dart plays into your statement as well.

If an option wasn't available at all, officially, I would have to see some proof that it was factory installed. Dealer? Sure, prior owner? sure. Factory? how do you install something that wasn't made?

As for the V code having AC and cruise? So what, those options were available in that body style so having the factory put them on a "not available" engine combo doesn't seem as far fetched, especially with original documentation (not GG supplied documentation). For all we know some VP at Chrysler drove it and ordered the options added regardless.

They say there are no such thing as a stupid question.
They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.