


Hi Jim. So far it looks like the front frame rails by the shock towers are bent. Both the front and rear passenger fenders need to be replaced as well as both bumpers, the front valance under the grill and the rear tail light bezel.

Yeti... thats a bummer.. so the a$$end came around and
slammed in also... bummer... a good frame shop can
pull it back into shape(I use to to frame work years
ago at a bump shop)... its not that hard to do if the
guys want to spend the time... best of luck buddy

I took the car to a really good frame shop today and they said they would need one full day and can put the frame back. They have been around along time and have the old books with specs.

Thats cool... I had about 60 spec points on each side
I had to check when I did them... I tried to get them
dead on.. my boss was always getting pissed at me for
taking to long... I always said... what do you want..
quality or quantity ... that shop was known for quality