


Go chrome every time.

I recall reading the chrome box runs HOT!! on the street

Not with a 1 ohm ballast resistor

Don't use a 1/4 ohm ballast for long distance street!

Sacrifice a TINY bit of spark by staying away from 1/4 ohm ballast resistors, and in my rather lengthy experience (over 100,000 miles on the same chrome box, and the same blaster 2 coil) they hold up really well.

Use a 1/4 ohm ballast, and you'll have 1. a slightly hotter spark 2. more heat to deal with and 3. higher failure rates for the coil and ecu.

I do have one ancient orange box left from the '80s that still works great, but by and large the chrome box has a longer lifespan and is worth the extra couple bucks.

you are on to something here.

I have always run the 1 ohm ballast and I havent had the problems others have had. That 1/4 ohm will juice the coil more which has its - side run thru the ign box. so ya, the 1/4 ohm ballast should heat the box up more