So much BS, so little time.....

First of all, I would NEVER use an Egge piston when there was a decent Sealed Power or Silvolite piston available. Or Badger or any of the other name brand pistons. IMHO Egge is a place where you get pistons for engines that are going in show vehicles and will never be run hard.

Second, if your characterization of your engine and its uses is correct there's no way you need forged pistons. No way. Millions of production engines used regular cast pistons and made some pretty good horsepower with really good longevity.

Third, I think you should take a tube of K-Y jelly with you the next time you visit your "friend". $900 for a set of forged pistons is criminal, or at least illegal in several states. Do some shopping around and you'll see what I'm talking about. For starters, go to and see what they have to offer. Then call them if you have an engine for which custom pistons are needed. Or if it's off-the-shelf, can get you a really nice price. At this point I will add that those are for comparison purposes. There are several hard part dealers that are sponsors who speak MOPAR and will probably get you the best deal in the end.

Fourth, so far I haven't mentioned hypereutectic pistons. If your engine is one for which there are hypereutectic pistons, they can be a superior product and there are some that may fill your needs.

Fifth and last...WEIGHT. If your engine is a MOPAR engine it has the heaviest pistons known to man. It'd be worth spending the $200 or so over the cost of stock replacement pistons, plus the $200 or so for balancing the assembly, to have a much lighter piston/pin in your engine. You'll notice the difference, even just driving around. For example, my friend who restored a 1949 chevy truck replaced the cast iron piston with much lighter aluminum ones and said even at 216 cubic inches, the difference was quite noticeable. So give some serious thought about weight.

End of lecture.


PS: Please feel free to PM me with specifics and further discussion.