
First off, I think a tip of the hat is owed to Jamie for posting his experience. I think the vast majority of machine shop/ engine builder threads end up as more of a bash fest by many whether intended or not, so seeing posts like his can be refreshing.
The community of shops across the country as a whole are more tight knit than many people realize. Speaking only for myself I've dealt with at least 50 different shops and many of them, including myself send out certain things for little or no charge and most times never have a word mentioned about it in a forum like this. I guess that's a shame but it is what it is. Good will goes a long way in this business.
With that said, Kudos to Bob for helping out. Nobody does that stuff because they have to, they do it because they want to help. People do generally remember who treats them well so that kind of good will may come back ten fold to a business for future sales.
By the way, If Bob doesn't want to use "Boy George racing", maybe a better choice for a catchier name would be "Hog Pen Engines", or Grouchy Bear Racing"

Hemi Joe and family, everyone who met Curt say the thing they remember most was his great smile.He was not just the best son a father could have,he was my best friend,co-worker and business partner.He always was there when anyone needed help.He will always be the driving influence at BGR and we can only aspire to be worthy of legesy.
As far a Boy George we are definately not related

Dan,I agree with you that sometimes we don't often hear the good things that people do for each other but do "quite often" hear the bad.Jamie like many other Mopar racers have met us at the races and know us for who and what we are and have developed a personal and professional relationship based on mutual respect.We certainly don't do it for attention or monotary gain.We believe in "Kharma" and as you mentioned the good you do for others will return to you.We need to get back to what made this country great, people looking out for each other,playing it forward.This was Curt's philosophy and how he lived his life.
I applaud and respect you and others here on Moparts for all the help and advise that is provided to the members.
As far as "Hog Pen Engines" or"Grouchy Bear Racing" which both are catchy names,the hog pen is long gone and the "Bear" is only grouchy when he gets poked.
The fact that we have a site that we can communicate world wide and help each other is the most important aspect of Jamies post.
Respectfully Bob

Last edited by B G Racing; 05/11/13 07:24 AM.