....the latest chapter was in prep for march meet 2012 our W5 scattered at Speedworld on the 2nd pass after swapping heads...long story. Ended up selling most of our W5 stuff waiting for the "new" Ebrock super victors. Could only hold our breath so long and we decided to pull our old tried and true 360 out of mothballs and go have some fun. Picked up the engine in Wyoming back in December. Had the car caged and treated to a tube K and coil overs at Comp Chassis. Life got put on major hold as we found another house we liked and the ball started rolling on that deal. Sold the old home, moved, and have been fixing upgrading things since. The car sits.. Oh yeàh.., called Brett, purchased the W8's he had for sale, and have been collecting parts for that since. Chances are that the ole 360 won't make it between the fender wells before the W8 is ready. Brett doesn't like his stuff sitting on shelves and I feel guilt it's not running. Time and $$ will tell... Here she is in her new home.