
The best possible setup is the girdle with aluminum caps, and having the caps milled to not require any shims or spacers for proper assembly. Spacers make it a Pain to assemble.
If you don't have a crankshaft yet, a center weighted crank puts the loads more where they belong, across all the bearing caps, not most of it on 2 and 4. My Mega Block had cap walk issues till I bought a center weighted crank.

After going on the BCR web site and taking a good look at the girdle design, it does everything I would expect out of a properly designed girdle kit. It has aluminum caps that need machining for proper realtionship to the girdle(easy assembly, no spacers) plus the caps are additionally supported outside of the maincap bolts with studs going through the girdle. Top shelf product IMHO. The kit I had does not have those two features(machined caps and extra studs)

8..603 156 mph best, 2905 lbs 549, indy 572-13, alky