Doc, you need to put the crack pipe down. Luck implies "chance". Playing the odds. I'm not saying that there are times when luck comes into play, it does. Like when a part fails, that's normally beyond human control. Or when a driver who normally cuts .04 lights suddenly cuts a .00 light to defeat their opponent, and then loses the following round on an .04 light.
I do not call it luck when one team chooses the better lane because they ran the quicker ET, and the other team is put in the compromised lane.
I do not call it luck when the driver with a quicker car loses a race to another driver who cuts a better light.
Again, is Luck a factor in drag racing? Most definitely. I contend drag racing is much more skill and experience (and $$$), than luck.
Was Luck the reason AJ won last weekend? Nope. Lane choice was. Look at how many cars won from a particular lane.
NOW, if lane choice was made by coin toss, or pulling a card; THAT would be a LUCK factor my resin sniffing friend.
As far as GA using Nitrous when he was dominating? Yeah, you go right along believing that BS. Try making that accusation to Jason some time off track premises and see how long you are standing.
