
Lucky my a$$
There are a number of things at play. First, who had lane choice? Face it, too many National Events are run on a one lane drag strip. That was Vegas last weekend. Tough. These guys are PROs. They are supposed to know how to deal with getting the bad lane.
And, guess what, as the day went on, the best lane changed! Look it up.
Luck? Maybe, but more likely Connolly took a shot with the set up knowing he had the disadvantage and his call on the clutch was wrong.
Just as easily, Mark could have made the wrong call and Allen shake the tires.
Erica had the light on our guy too. AJ was dead late and I am sure, while he was happy about the win, he was pissed at himself. The race could have just as easily gone the other way.
I won't argue against luck, but a competent team makes its own luck.
How many of you have ever worked on a Prostock car?
These cars are balancing on the head of a pin.
It's not luck that gets a Prostock car down the track consistently. It's attention to detail, following routines and making informed decisions.
Ask Allen the next time you see him and see what he says.
Luck is when a cloud comes over the starting line, cooling everything down just enough that you get the extra .005 you need to qualify after you've used every trick in the book.
Been there, done that.


MUCH of what you say is true ..... BUT LUCK played a big part in their win at LV .... and you even said it ....

...and the earlier round ...against Jeggie .... LadyLuck ...