

I would also consider some kind of bed cover. Of the bunch of Dodge trucks I've had over the years, about 1/2 of them gained at least a couple mpg if the tailgate was down or removed. if your truck falls into that group, a bed cover solves the issue and you still have a useable bed. Gene

They did that on myth buster. Tailgate down got worse than tailgate shut.

I really give a rats butt what myth busters did or did not find.

I know that out of at least 10 73-93 Dodge trucks, about 1/2 of them picked up a couple mpg with the tail gate down or off. Back years ago, I drove my trucks about 10,000 miles a year, year around. I lived 10 miles out of the town I worked at, and drove them to work 5-6 days a week. My next job was 30 miles from home, and I made that trip 5-6 days a week. I lived at that out of town house for 16 years and Dodge trucks were always there and were used as normal transportation. For the record, there was never any rhyme or reason to the gas mileage improvement, it either happened or it didn't, and it didn't take more then a couple tanks of gas to know for sure, the difference was an extra day of driving on a tank of gas.

I don't know if his truck will respond with better mpg or worse, but it sure is a cheap, easy thing to try. Gene