I just knew that back fire out of the pipes on decell was a vacuum leak. My brakes were working fine too, but I did have a very small erratic idle that was just starting at the same time it backfired coming down that big ole mountain, made me notice it sooner.

First thing I did was plug the vacuum tap at the manifold and go drive it. No more more backfire and idle was better. So I knew it was external of the motor while in Vegas. Drove it carefully without power brakes.

We stayed at Circus Circus in there campground. The paper work said no working on RVs or cars at the campground sites. So I couldn't do much plus it was 115 degrees and my car is black. Thanks to AC it was not bad in it. Took like a 1/2 hour to cool down and I let it idle with the AC cranking a few times because it was so hot out.