

Yes you need oxygen to burn anything.

I knew the answer. Without the oxidizer (n2o) you can't stuff more fuel in the engine.

You introduce "x" amount of oxidizer and need "y' of fuel to garner a certain A/F and power. The issue I have with that software is you keep packing fuel in, it makes more power... which isn't always the result. If more fuel was the key, you wouldn't need the oxidizer. Lean, to a point, is mean.

Look at the jetting recs over the years. The juice kits were horribly rich for 30+ years. We were drilling juice bars in the 80's or stepping down the recommended fuel pressure to get them to run better. According to that software, we (in the 80's) and most current kit producers are going the wrong direction.

Lots of ways to skin a cat.

Exactly, Rob... and a couple more points about the nitrous calculators....First, they don't take into consideration how much the solenoids flow and Second, they can't be accurate because it's a fact that just because you go up one jet size it doesn't necessarily mean it'll flow X% more....it just doesn't work that way...anyone that's used a flow bench will tell you that....Having said that, a calculator is fun to play with and when spraying relatively small amounts like 150hp and less you'll probably never hurt anything, but if you use those numbers spraying 300-400HP you WILL burn your motor up, so that again proves that they don't work....

And on the "more than one way to skin a cat" comment....personally I don't believe that....IMHO there's only one way to tune a motor...JUST like a naturally aspirated motor, once you've chosen all the parts the ONLY two things you can change are timing and the A/F ratio...and only ONE combination will make the most power....which boils down to the correct A/F ratio and as little timing as possible AND still make max power....Tuning nitrous is no different.....you pick a nitrous jet....start out with conservative timing....dial in the A/F ratio...then creep timing in....simple...and EXACTLY like tuning a naturally aspirated motor.....

If you can't handle the truth, you're living a lie.......