
Yes Track was packed last year was that the first time/year for Josh to run the show? I know it was good not great. Would like to see more quick 16 cars, more parts vendors, why doesn't any Mopar event have the SS Barracudas and Darts show up they were here in the past Horton came from West cost.

The 2012 Gateway MMW was the return of MMW to Gateway after it reopened.
Was it perfect? No, But I'd say it was pretty good/successful.
Josh had a successful event at Indy in Sept of 2011 (considering the rain).

The way that Gateway handled things with Josh was simply wrong and poor business.

Most of the Mopar crowd in the Saint Louis area that I've talked to are saying that they'll attend the Mega Mopar Weekend.
It's a local event so I understand that.

Are they gonna draw people from far away?
That's a good question.
The local serious racers I've talked to say if the payouts are the same as Super Chevy it they're not sure it's worth racing at.
Just what I've heard.

Kayse can't keep up at all now. lol