
...and the tool in the bin for removal of the bushing in car:


Both of them work super nice! I know there's that "old dog, new tricks" anology BG, but I can't believe that you don't have these two items.

I have more tools than I can count,some better than Chryslers'tool bin.Matter of fact I developed some of those tools in their tool bin back in the 60s.
The method I suggested is for the everyday adverage guy and I wouldn't suggest it I haven't used it myself and still do.It'a a 100% way of doing it without damaging the bushing and fitting it the same time.You don't have to worry about breaking,mushrooming or having to cut or ream the bushing bore.I have a aluminium dowel for removal and another for installing that I turned down on a lathe.To be able to use something most have laying around and saving money on tool purchases that you seldom use is the typical inovative style racers are noted for and proud of.It isn't always about spending money it's about getting the job accomplished.Sharing knowledge,"racers helping racers".
You wouldn't believe some of the tools we build for special applications right here in the shop.At aprox.15,000 sgft we are hardley a "shadetree operation",just ask anyone that's been here.
Respectfully Bob