Bingo! That's the problem our converter is not what you call a matched converter for our comobination. It's been under several motors of ours but all 340's. Our first 340 that was way worn out only ran 7.70's 1/8 and it would only stall at 3200 rpm. Another motor who knows what it stalled to because it was a disaster and really never got to find out what anything would do! Now we are on this 340 with the w2 heads. I have personally seen 4000 on the tach on the trans brake in the driveway but it was a cold night and the car kept stalling out. We didn't get a chance to see what it stalled at when we were at the track. Every bit of 4000 that's for sure but I am thinking possibly 4200. So my point is when we changed from a 5.13 gear down to a 4.30 it really hurt performance beccause of the converter. Heck the converter isn't even right for a 5.13 gear but we could get away with it because the gears are so low!!! The lack of performance also comes from a few other things I am not trying to put the entire blame on the converter but it is deffiently one of the things on the list that isn't helping!!! I am doing a leak down test this weekend so I will know alittle more on what shape the motor is in. After that I am going to find out what lift the cam is and what it even is. Also going to get the timing all figured out and set but that will probaly end up doing that last.