Nice car. The Desktop Dyno numbers seem high? What inputs are you using? Is the cam installed more advanced than 106 degrees?
When I put the cam, compression, head flow, etc.. info into Dynomation5 simulator (wave action), I get these numbers:
1000 80 418
1200 95 414
1400 112 419
1600 128 421
1800 146 427
2000 169 444
2200 194 464
2400 220 482
2600 246 498
2800 272 511
3000 292 511
3200 308 506
3400 331 511
3600 364 531
3800 402 555
4000 437 574
4200 469 586
4400 494 590 PK TQ
4600 513 586
4800 528 578
5000 540 568
5200 547 553
5400 550 535
5600 550 516
5800 551 499
6000 552 489 PK HP
6200 552 483
6400 546 448
6600 529 421
6800 509 393
7000 482 362