


If you listen to all the old ladies on this board you will end up with $5000 stock 383s.

God forbid people on the board look out for one another .

But you can't deny there is a strong contingent of folks that believe anything not done to the nth degree, or was done by somebody else, is junk and worth only core price so that it can be redone again 'properly'. That's why the $5000 383 remark.

When it's someone else's money, people frequently lose sight of the original budget and/or goals (yes, I know OPs don't always tell us).

Point taken and I have a $5000 383 because the last 2 PROFESSIONAL engine shops screwed things up, just because it's freshly rebuilt does not mean it's right.

Everything to me is a CORE unless I personally know who did it and what equipment it was done on.