I wasn't there, but can understand what you are saying. Seems as though some promoters think that this kind of entertainment is what brings in the 'crowd'. The 'crowd' is in the pits, with their cars, friends of the people that have the cars, fans of the people that have the cars,,etc. I have been in many of these situations where the racers have to run down a track covered with kerosene and who knows what all, after a 'crowd pleasing' flame show jet car. The guaranteed money those guys get, could be put into the purse for the racers. I am not bashing Josh's show AT ALL....I would loved to have been there. I'm just making a statement of my point of view in regard to th OP's comment. I don't know that any of the exhibition cars were paid to be there. Maybe they were just there for the support of the show. I know I would enjoy looking at the exhibition cars, but maybe they could run after the races or during a break while the racers were getting ready for the later rounds.

I was there and that's the way it should be.....