

I'm heading out to Norwalk/Summit tonight (Wednesday) to run my '69 GTX and I haven't drag raced in decades...the GTX is stock except for tire/wheels and a Holley 770 carb. What do I need to run the car just for fun and just see what it will do? Do I need a helmet? Not a problem as I have close to a dozen from motorcycle racing but don't want to take it if I don't need one.

If it turns out to be as much fun as I hope it will then I'll do this every chance I get and maybe on the MWF the 14th-16th

(didn't mean to take this thread OT, just need to know if I need to take a helmet tonight?)


my personal opinion is take a helmet regardless of how fast or slow the car is it's your gourd, protect it.

Best point ever! I have to plead DUH for not even thinking that way. I won't ride a bike without one even testing in our parking lot. Thanks for the wake up call