I have a friend I met in high school whose father was a drag racer. My friend's name is Steve Christian and his father was Weldon Christian. They are responsible for me contracting the incurable disease "Drag Racing".

Weldon died a few years ago. Steve recently moved back to Tulsa after many years in California. Steve has given me access to some of the photos that he got when Weldon died.

This afternoon I’ll upload some of them, I hope you all find them interesting.

I don’t know much about this first shot other than it appears to have been taken at the old Tulsa North Dragstrip. It was also an airport. I think today its called the North Tulsa Air Park.

I know Weldon had owned a car with the “Red Ram” engine, I assume it is Weldon on the right side of the photo.

5708280-Dodges002.jpg (324 downloads)