
The 66 car shown was later converted to a C/G car. This was one of the most fun racecars I have ever got to be around. With the injector stacks it looked cool and it was way different from the small block Chevys that ever one else ran. It was extremely low maintenance. About all we ever had to do was change the one pill in the fuel injection. The fuel injection was completely engineered by Chrysler with Hilborn and ran great right out of the box. This was a lot easier than changing all the jets and metering rods in the two AFBs that the injection replaced.

The car was quite successful in C Gas even though it was a tank. You all know how heavy those cars were to begin with but this one had to have ballast to get it to the 3,834 to make class (I think it was 9 pounds per cubic inch).

The only other modifications was a change to the stock (for 65) 12 to one pistons and ten inch tires (had to run seven inch tires in stock).

Another thing was that the car was intimidating. If I remember correctly the small block Chevy cars would run about 112 to 115 mph on the top end. The Hemi would run around 125mph. So even if the Chevy won (and that did not happen real often), the Hemi car would be closing on them so hard and go by so fast, they would think they won by the grace of God.

This shot was taken at what was Southwest Raceway, now Tulsa Raceway Park. If the guy in the other lane was not any further ahead at this point he was toast.

I love the '66 with the stacks, and that is a great story! It confirms the old addage: "If you can hear a Hemi coming up behind you, you already lost" Thanks for posting those.