
I would definetly have those two injectors look at, maybe have all eight flowed by the same company

There is a history of this problem with this engine. Last year I had the same thing happen; burned number 8 piston. I was using Bosch 160 lb/hr injectors and I sent them out and had them tested... they tested good and flowed within 1% of each other. Even so, I replaced all eight injectors when I rebuilt the engine. I now have a brand new set of Injector Dynamics 225 lb/hr injectors and that's what I ran on the dyno. I could have them tested but I'll bet there's nothing wrong with them, just as there was nothing wrong with the Bosch 160's. Given that I have had the same thing happen twice with two entirely different set of injectors, I am inclined to look elsewhere.

"These go to eleven", Nigel Tufnel