OK.. so I have some questions.. when I had the 904 put together in my Dart, I used a Griner reverse manual VB with low band apply (I don't even know what that means), low 1st gear set, upgraded clutches, blah blah blah.

So - now that I'm getting closer to getting this thing on the road -

What is a "low band apply" and how does it impact the shifting/driving characteristics of the car? What is it for?

I've heard that you're not supposed to do burnouts in 1st gear.. why is that? Is that true? Do you start in 2nd gear when doing a burnout?

Any tips/tricks or other things I should be aware of for driving a car with a manual VB?

Car does NOT have a transbrake or linelock in it.. so for the burnouts, I'll just be holding my foot on the brake pedal while giving it gas.