

All traction bars do is control any wheel hop issues you may have. Pinion snubbers do the same thing. They keep the pinion from walking up the ring gear.
Like this:

Traction bars stop it and snubbers stop it. One stops it from the center and one stops it from the outside. The reason traction bars are frowned on in the Mopar ranks is because Mopar sells a snubber. Reason two is that a lot of traction bars are built for Brand X and therefore extend beyond the front shackle. In fact a lot of traction bars are 21 inches or better but the front spring segment is 20 inches for A-Body and as long as 24 inches for the Barges. I believe Mopar Performance also sold clamps for the front spring segments to stiffen the front segment up. So yes. If you're getting wheel hop then traction bars can and will work. The only thing about traction bars is that some of "Those Guys" have been known to twist their housing on launch.

Your graphic is bassackwards in direction

You sure about that? It looks like the front of the car would be to the right of the graphic (we're looking at the right side of the car in the diagram), the rear leaf spring shackle is on the left side of the graphic, at the back of the car.. it looks like the tire is rotating clockwise, moving the car forwards... looks correct to me.