I always find it funny that no one attempts to ask the question, "Why are ticket prices so high?"
Do you really think NHRA thinks that much of themselves? I don't, because if you are truly trying to make money, you don't overprice tickets to the point you can't make profit. I think that insurance cost and the cost of running the biggest drag racing organization nationally has caused them to inflate costs everywhere. I also believe that sponsor relationships is one of the reasons why they keep outside food and water out of these events as well as the constant commercials. They want to keep the money in house, please their sponsors and thats what they do. The food costs is parallel to most other entertainment. Amusement parks, carnivals, etc have outrageous food costs, thats just the market, Beer included.

Now, do I agree with prices, no I don't, but I won't sit here and act like there is not a method to the circus and a reason why its done. There's just a bigger picture to look at.

And, there is no way to compare any other organization to the NHRA either, none of them is anywhere near as big nor is trying to be for the fear of managing it properly to have success. They stay small, and keep it small for a reason.

And, the only problem I have with the article is that he is stating the obvious. NHRA has been expensive since I started attending races in 1995 or so when I was a kid. The only thing that has made NHRA less attractive from then to now is less cars and the commercials. I could also do without the entertainment crew personally.

PS: I love drag racing and want to see the best for it. The NHRA does need to change some things but how helpful can an article be that didn't offer any solutions?

Adriel Paradise
Substation Design Engineer III