

The LA plant stopped producing E-bodies some time in May of 1970.

Hamtramck produced N95 E-body models for the 1970 model year also.

If you have a March 1970 or later E-body, note the SPD on your tag / broadcast sheet, the actual build month from your original door sticker & whether it has the dimples or not. That will be a start.

The SPD on my pink car is 324 but the door mylar is 4-70. It has the dimples.

Your car is a great example of one that was built late. Looking at your broadcast sheet info & the other sheet you found in it for the 318 car, the 318 car was 43 builds before yours, but the SPD on it is 401.

The closest one I have on file so far after yours was 29 builds later, but that car has a SPD of 417.

So, for these three cars, the SPDs are quite a ways of, the VIN spread is 23,516 yet they were on the assembly line at the same time 74 cars apart with yours near the middle.