I talked with him too before I bought my setup. The material that he uses was designed by the company that he used to work for and retired from. The material is a heat sink material that is used in and around electrical transformers. He is a racer and he started making these for his buddies and found the carb to be much cooler on the engine with this material underneath. The material should work but once again, it has a maximum heat specification of 300 degrees.

I was a skeptic when I first put these spacers on, and I used a heat gun on the bowls after I drove the car and I found a substantial heat difference from the intake to the carb bowls. I took some more readings over this past weekend in the 92 degree heat and after shutting off the car, I found the intake in the 225 range and my bowls in the low 100's (113-120 range if I remember correctly).

All I know is that the product works on my car and it has now for five months.

I do have my hood vents open on my rallye hood and my A/F NEVER GETS LEANER than 14.4-14.6 and that is only at 45-50mph. All other cruise A/F readings (30mph to 70mph) show 13.8-14.2.

Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to argue with you. It appears that something was either wrong with the material or your engine is hotter than the material can handle. I just don't think that his carb spacers are JUNK which was written in a previous statement above. He tested the material at the track and found it to work on the race cars. He then put out the effort to provide a wide range of heat shields for many types of carbs. He even put his engine in a video and showed people what the temperature differences were that he found.
I would suggest finding out how hot that intake is before going on the net and saying that someone's hard work is JUNK before you know for sure that your application meets his product specifications.

1970 YO7 A66 [Canadian Export] F8 Challenger
340 (Currently in shop for stroker assy.)