Ethylene glycol is slipperier and evaporates more slowly than water.

I watched a friend's car turn left and barrel roll through the lights , I think he still turned 8.92 or something like that. It was the first run after a shower and even though the track dryer had worked for like a half hour there was still enough moisture to lose traction on one side. Thank God his rollcage was stout, we all thought he was dead. He walked away. It took a year to rebuild the car.

So while I started reading this post thinking pro-antifreeze, I have changed my mind and would come down on the water side. It was way too scary to watch the ambulance race down the track and wait for word. My teenage daughter was in shock...her first words were, "Is he dead?"

Racing is expensive and requires time any way you slice it. A little more time can prevent an accident and it could be you in the rolling car.

No self-righteous attitude here, just a really vivid memory.
