I truly dont know what to say. As someone else said, I never got to meet him, but got to know him a little here. I'm sitting here trying to see the keyboard through tears for a man I never met, and that kind of confuses me. I feel as though I've been robbed of a blessing. I've gotten to know him much better since his passing with all the great stories and recollections of Gary and the role he played in so many people's lives. Wow, what a guy. Thanks Jack for this story.
Ya know, so many times I've heard people get mad at God when something like this happens, asking...DEMANDING that God give an explanation why He would take such a person from us. If we could only realize that the one who took him is also the one who GAVE him to us in the first place. Maybe we should all be saying "Thank you God for Gary, for the tremendous blessing he was to all who were priviledged to know him."
I'll be praying for his family and friends.