A roller block has threaded bosses in the middle of the valley for attaching the roller link holddown spider.

A ridge is at the top end of the cylinder. Run your fingernail up the bore and when you feel it catch really close to the top that is the ridge. On my '86 318 the ridge is minimal and mostly varnish. You need to get the ridge out so you won't break your rings when you slip the pistons into the block. I think mine are going to clean up with thinner and some hard rubbing. If your block has a ridge it is removed with a device called a ridge reamer. BEWARE!!! It is quite easy to take out more than necessary. the bottom of the ridge is the top of ring travel. If you cut into the ring travel area you'll be needing new pistons and an overbore. So you have to go really easy.

One thing you said...Line-honing on a relatively stock 318 build? Did the crank turn OK? Were the mains in pretty good shape? This is not a common step for a nearly stock rebuild. Others chime in here, but it just isn't something I expect to see.

I buy most of my 318 rings on the 'bay. Name brand stuff, better than retail prices.
