I hope no one gets mad, But I have to share another if thats ok? If not? Please PM me and I will understand.

Prior to last years Nats., Gary and I had been discussing possibly getting some hotel rooms, his Challenger and a multitude of other things.
Gary had stated how well his car was running and I jokingly told him I had sold my Pink ProStreet 70 Duster awhile back and I was needing a "banzai blast"!
Gary laughed and said that he would be glad to take me for a spin on Brice Road.
I accepted his generous offer. (I like to think I am not a total fool! LoL!)
In all honesty, things were pretty busy and I had forgotten about Gary's offer. Not Gary! Later in the evening, Gary said "are you ready"? I said for what? Gary said "for a ride on Brice" I said he!! yes, if you are!
Gary looked at me with that world class grin and asked if my life insurance was paid up? I said sure, I can handle it lets do it!
We climb into the Challenger and Gary does not even start the car up until he made sure the belts were ok around my Pepsi Bod.

We pulled out onto Brice and Gary made a right at the Sunoco gas station. A few blocks further and we spied a ton of lets say, modern rode rockets all parked on the right. Gary smiled and said, "should we show them a little Mopar Power"? Guess my answer Lol! Gary nailed it thru 2nd gear and then got out of it!
About that quick, I saw a local Police Cruiser sitting in a parking lot on the opposite side of the Cruisers. I said Gary, there is an officer on your left. Gary slowed and just looked over. I couldn't resist just to see Gary's reaction and perception, so I asked Gary, What would you do if he pulled us over? Gary looked at me with that special grin and said, "Well, We would just have the Honor of meeting another Officer"
That is the grace that Gary always had about him!
That is the Gary Davis I knew and will never forget.

I really hope no one minds this post. It is very cathartic for me and although a little selfish, It seems to help me cope for a while and deal with this tragedy that has taken a dear friend from ALL of us.