

From the NHRA results page:

"(W) Charlie Westcott Jr. (SS/AH '68 Barracuda) 0.102 8.498 158.91
(L) David Barton (SS/AH '68 Dart) 0.073 8.584 156.39

Westcott let Barton sit in pre-stage for a very long time before he joined the party. Charlie Westcott Jr.'s MOV: 0.0574 seconds (approximately 13 feet)."

Chuckles is a schmuck! Too bad he didn't get a redlight for playing games!

No rule saying how long you have to prestage the car. Barton could have played the game also. Wait long enough, and double bulb him...

thats some good profesional hillbilly racin right der now.