

Usually not...I'm more of a poweradder kind of guy....lots of drugs(nitrous for yall NA guys) and the more boost the better!

What kind of questin is that?
To each his own, is how I see it, and I'm impressed with anything that runs good for what it is.
What does yours run?

I'm 2730 with me in it. I'm a 185 before the feast that Mopar Mafia Cooks put's on. Whatever run's a Mopar Powered Car/Dragster/Boat/Train/Motorcycle. I'm Impressed with ALL Mopar. Face the fact Boy and girls the more money you have the faster you want to go... . ??? does a 1/4 mile 6 second car make it down the track every time.

8 & 9 second cars do.at least you have a race.

6975014-lily011.JPG (35 downloads)

Just One Man's Opinion Mopar Mafia Racing