I see your point fore sure but to put a date of completion on something as fluid as a race engine build or a body job is very hard to say the least.Too many things can go wrong like back ordered parts,bad parts,a change in the original plan ect ect.Also in the body end of it some shops do old cars for fill in work so when a good hit comes in you have to do it because it pays WAY better.If you paid for every hour spent on a old car resto or just a repaint no one with any brains what so ever would have it done.It just would not be cost effective to do, you could buy a new car cheaper.

We use to do old cars from time to time at the Dealership but they always got in the way of a good paying collision.So Now I do that stuff in the other shop and I don't bring in anything else till the present job is done.

The best thing you can do is start on your engine project as early as possible so when bad things happen you have the time to correct them and move on.

My new block came in at Best Machine this week and went wright back Because Chuck didn't like some tooling marks on the main caps.I'm very glad he took the time to be picky so I get the very best he can produce.That's why I like him its the wright way or the highway with those guys.

A very good friend told me once"get your work done early in the morning so you can fuc!@# around in the afternoon"

God made cold beer,good friends,hot ladies and race cars don't spit in his face by pi$$ing and moaning about how life sucks!!!