
So why do you guys think that some of these shops that have messed up builds for folks, or have sold you a bill of goods and come to find out you didn't get anything close to what you paid for still have or get work.

I think as a mopar community we are doing our hobby a complete disservice by continuing to use the shops like this.

It's not so easy a caveman can do it, but looking at the technology and the advancements we have made in our sport in the last 20 years I'm not convinced that cavemen haven't been captaining this ship.

We as a group need to demand improvements in what we are buying.


One reason Josh is if you do on here you take a beating from the other members, Including other mods. They all stand up for him with no knowlege of the Engine build. I have a motor now that i have put over 20k in it and it still not right. The motor only has 300 miles on it and was built and check over by TWO DIFFRENT HALL OF FAME engine builders.

Parts missing from motor I sent them. Burnt push rods. Bad or used rockers. Rods were not demagnetized. Wrong finish on cylinder walls. Oil pump top plate scored. Paper towels or cloth fibers thick in omberg oil filter. Used parts in ur motor.

Contact the first engine builder He denies its his motor. quote: " Thats Indys S*%$ ! Slams phone down. How ever on HIS own websight he has the same list of parts for his Torque Moster as in my engine. A employee of his dug up old records showing its was his motor.

Secound builder Said about the burnt rods after ran from my phone calls and emails for over a month. " I can tell by the pics you sent me that the rods reach a temp of 1150 degrees which shows you let the engine sit to long befor starting it"

Other Honest engine builders have confirmed the above on other peoples motors. They say thanks to them, Thats what keeps them in buss.

There should be a Thread for this type of stuff. bad parts, service and so on. IF there was EVERYONE would win. Better parts, service, more sales would be achived from it.